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“(…) the war has tended to ethnicize cultural heritage, which, in fact, was not ethnicized in the past. Perhaps the people who destroyed the Old Bridge at Mostar thought they were destroying Muslim cultural heritage. But, in fact, the Old Bridge was something that was held in common by Serbs, Croats and Muslims.” / Colin Kaiser, ICTY Rule 61 hearing, 02-07-1996

SENSE – Center for Transitional Justice and Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past cordially invite you to join us at the exhibition Targeting monuments – Targeting history and memory on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at the Croatian Academy Glyptotheque (Room IV), at 7 PM, Medvedgradska street 2, Zagreb. 

Opening talk attended by Snješka Knežević, Zvonko Maković, Vesna Teršelič, Marko Sjekavica and Mirko Klarin, moderated by Eugen Jakovčić, will be held before the official opening of the exhibition.   

The exhibition is open until May 4, 2017