Announcement of the conference “New Approaches to Legacy of Holocaust and Holocaust Education”

The international conference “New Approaches to Legacy of Holocaust and Holocaust Education” will be held on Monday, November 9, 2020, starting at 10 am at Novinarski Dom in Zagreb, on the occasion of the International Day against Racism and Antisemitism, and the commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of the Night of Broken Glass.
The conference has been organized by Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past with the support of the US Embassy, the Europe for Citizens program and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
The conference will focus on the challenges of Holocaust education, determined by years of relativization and denial of the crimes of the Nazis, Fascists and their collaborators in Croatia and other countries, and the presentation of good teaching practices and strategies from Croatia, Germany, Italy and Serbia.
Due to the pandemic, the conference will be organized as a hybrid event, combining presentations in presence and online contributions.
Follow the conference using this link:
Meeting ID: 846 9686 2105
Password: 646656
Find the conference program below.