
With bright sunshine and the ongoing celebrations around the 49th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, Lisbon welcomed the participants of our final event of the project series “Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators. Mapping, decoding & processing the role of historical – civic education in (European) Youth Work”.

40 young people, project leaders from partner organisations, former youth leaders and other network partners will meet in Lisbon, Portugal, from 24-29 April 2023 to evaluate the past project series and look to the future.

An intensive programme around four central themes lies ahead: addressing remembrance culture in Portugal (history, heritage, commemoration, impact of the Salazar dictatorship), summarising the results and challenges of the project series and transforming them into fruitful discourses (risks, limits, potentials), creating a space for participants and project partners to promote relevant issues and discourses, and creating a framework for networking and developing follow-up projects.

The event, financed by the Erasmus+ programme and funds from the Children- and Youth Plan (KJP), is supported in terms of content and financially by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Lisbon, the Goethe Institute Lisbon and the Mário Soares and Maria Barroso Foundation. In addition to the institutions and programmes mentioned, our thanks go to our Portuguese partner organisation UMAR – União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta and the entire project team!


Pictures: Elene Kapanadze (EJBW)