Call for teachers and educators: Training “Power of personal stories in confronting oblivion”, September 01-04, 2024, Dachau

From the 01st to the 04th of September, Max Mannheimer Haus, Documenta, and their international partners, will organize the training for teachers and educators “Power of personal stories in confronting oblivion”.
The training will take place in Dachau, Germany, and will involve 25 teachers and educators. During the activity, the participants will explore biographies and personal stories as and educational tool for teaching about the Holocaust and other genocides and mass crimes committed during WWII.
To know more about the training please download the info-pack attached.
The call is open until July 15th, you can apply at:
The activity is organized as part of the project “Power of Personal Stories in Confronting Oblivion (PPSCO)”, funded by the European Union through the programme CERV – European Remembrance.